Best Time to Visit Gabon
Best Time to Visit Gabon
Gabon has a typically equatorial climate, with seasonal rains between October and April. Daytime temperatures remain around 80 degrees Fahrenheit all year, although humidity can vary considerably.
The long dry season is between May and September and this is the best time to visit as there are fewer insects, lighter rains, and the wildlife spotting is at its best. July is considered to be the best for birding and early September for mammal spotting. Humidity is higher though during this period.
May to September: The long dry season makes overland transport faster and this is the best time to visit as there are fewer insects, lighter rains, and the wildlife spotting is at its best.
July to September: Have a close encounter with a whale swimming off Gabon’s coastline. July is considered to be the best for birding and early September for mammal spotting.
November to January: Spot turtles coming ashore to lay their eggs on the beaches.