Here are some frequently asked questions regarding Oral Poliovirus Vaccination (OPV) requirements for travellers from India:
Is the Oral Polio Vaccination required?
All visitors travelling from India to Kenya, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Somalia, Syria, Afghanistan and Pakistan are required to undergo a dose of Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV).
This requirement is also necessary for travellers coming from polio-endemic (Afghanistan, Nigeria, Pakistan) and countries with poliovirus in circulation following importation (Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia, and Syria) to India.
Since when has this become a requirement?
The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, has made this a mandatory requirement from March 1, 2014. This development is due to the fact that India has been declared ‘polio-free’ by WHO as no new cases of polio have been detected in the past three years. This also aligns with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare’s Pulse Polio Programme.
When should I get the vaccination?
Indian residents travelling from India to the seven polio infected countries are required to receive a dose of OPV at least 4 weeks before travel, regardless of age and vaccination status.
Where can I get the vaccination?
Each district in India has designated at least one center where the vaccination with OPV will be provided to travellers and OPV vaccination certificate will be issued. The District Immunisation Officer is the designated official for issue of the OPV vaccination certificate to travellers.
– Andhra Pradesh Polio Vaccination Centers
– Assam Polio Vaccination Centers
– Chandigarh Polio Vaccination Centers
– Chattisgarh Polio Vaccination Centers
– Dadra & Nagar Haveli Polio Vaccination Centers
– Daman & Diu Polio Vaccination Centers
– Delhi Polio Vaccination Centers
– Goa Polio Vaccination Centers
– Gujarat Polio Vaccination Centers
– Haryana Polio Vaccination Centers
– Himachal Pradesh Polio Vaccination Centers
– Jammu & Kashmir Polio Vaccination Centers
– Jharkhand Polio Vaccination Centers
– Karnataka Polio Vaccination Centers
– Kerela Polio Vaccination Centers
– Madhya Pradesh Polio Vaccination Centers
– Maharashtra Polio Vaccination Centers
– Odisha Polio Vaccination Centers
– Punjab Polio Vaccination Centers
– Rajasthan Polio Vaccination Centers
– Sikkim Polio Vaccination Centers
– Tamil Nadu Polio Vaccination Centers
– Tripura Polio Vaccination Centers
– Uttar Pradesh Polio Vaccination Centers
– Uttrakhand Polio Vaccination Centers
– West Bengal Polio Vaccination Centers
Are there any charges for the OPV or the vaccination certificate?
No, it is free of cost.
How long is the vaccination valid for?
Once you’ve received the polio vaccination, it is not required for a period of one year.
I’ve already received the OPV vaccination. Do I have to get it again?
Yes! The majority of people infected with the polio virus do not develop paralysis and remain apparently healthy. However, they are capable of carrying the polio virus in their intestine and spreading it. The polio virus spreads through contaminated food and water. When individuals do not have intestinal immunity, the polio virus multiplies in the gut and is excreted by the infected person.
After receiving the vaccination, the ability of the intestine to prevent multiplication and shedding of the virus decreases over time. Therefore, adults and children who have received the vaccination earlier are capable of multiplication and shedding of the virus.
An additional dose of OPV given at least 4 weeks prior to travel boosts the immunity of the intestine and reduces the chances of the virus being carried by travellers.
I’ve already taken a dose of OPV? Is it safe to take it again?
Is the vaccination safe for children?
I am a foreign resident staying in India (not belonging to one of the polio infected countries). I am planning to visit Kenya, Somalia, Ethiopia, Syria, Nigeria, Afghanistan or Pakistan. Do I have to get OPV?
No, it is not mandatory for you to take the OPV. However, you are advised to take a dose of OPV for your own protection.
I am transiting through one of the polio infected countries. Do I need to take the OPV?
No, passengers in transit through Kenya, Somalia, Ethiopia, Syria, Nigeria, Afghanistan or Pakistan do not have to take a dose of OPV.
I’ve been vaccinated with IPV (Inactivated Poliovirus Vaccine). Do I have to take OPV as well?
Yes, as you need to take a dose of OPV. Individuals who receive IPV are still capable of shedding and multiplication of the poliovirus.
My child received inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV) a few days ago? Should s/he take the virus get the OPV?
Yes, it is important for your child to get OPV to boost gut immunity.
My child has received all OPV doses under the regular immunisation schedule. Is it safe for my child to get an additional OPV dose?
Yes, it is safe to give this additional dose of OPV to your child.
Do I need to take a dose of OPV every time I visit a polio infected country?
No, if the travel is within 1 year of taking the dose of OPV. If it is longer than 1 year, you will have to take an additional dose of OPV.
Can I get the vaccination certificate from my doctor or any other medical practitioner?
No, poio vaccination certificate can only be issued by the DIO (District Immunisation Officer) or a center designated by the DIO.
What if I lose my vaccination certificate?
People who lose their vaccination certificate will be considered unvaccinated. You will have to get an additional dose of OPV and get a new vaccination certificate.
Note: The information above is to the best of our knowledge. While we make all efforts to have accurate and reliable details updated here, it is recommended that you cross-check the information with the respective authorities before taking any decisions.
Tarundeep says
Hello Chalo Team,
I got OPV drops 10 days before planned departure to Kenya to join my office there in Nairobi. Can you please guide should I hope to get emigration clearance for my due travel from India to Nairobi.
The Chalo Team says
Hi Tarundeep, we hope you’ve managed to successfully clear immigration. Apologies for not getting back to you earlier!
Sanchita Bhattacherjee says
hi tarun,
please let me know if you have been able to get through immigration without polio vaccine taken 4 weeks before. i have a travel 5 days later and it is just 2 weeks that i have taken the vaccine. i am anxious on that. please let me know
Ravindra Bhojak says
The Chalo Team says
Not according to Indian regulations. Please check the Canadian government as to their regulations.
Sudhakar says
Hello Chalo Team, I got OPV drops 18 days before planned departure to Kenya to attend exhiibition there in Nairobi. However i will be back to India after 7 days.Can you please guide should I hope to get emigration clearance for my due travel from India to Nairobi. Thanks! Sudhakar
The Chalo Team says
Hi Sudhakar, According to government regulations, you are required to take the vaccination 4 weeks before travelling. However, since its a relatively new rule we are not certain how strictly it is enforced. Recommend you contact Indian immigration to confirm.
Hi Chalo Team,
First of all great work in updating everyone with these new immigration rules. Saves a lot of time and trouble.
My question is as follows – I am a Indian Residing in New Zealand since last 4 years. I am travelling to Kenya through India in 3 weeks and plan to take the Yellow Fever Vaccine which is compulsory. I am coming back to India after travelling to Kenya. Polio vaccine is only recommended but not compulsory for NZ citizen/residents. As per these new requirement for Indian Health ministry Polio OPV is compulsory for Indian resident however nor am i indian resident and OPV is not available in NZ. What would you recommend should i do.
The Chalo Team says
Hi Nishesh, We’ve sent you an email with more details.
Mohit Mankar says
I am in a similar situation. Travelling to Kenya from the US and then on to India. Do I require the vaccine?
avani gudhka says
Hi Team,
I am residing in bangalore, and travelling to bangalore on 13th oct. Could you tell me the place from where to get the polio vaccination in bangalore, i searched in internet but could not get the insititute name, your reply would be of great help.
avani gudhka says
Hi Team, I am residing in bangalore, and travelling to kenya on 13th oct. Could you tell me the place from where to get the polio vaccination in bangalore, i searched in internet but could not get the insititute name, your reply would be of great help.
The Chalo Team says
Hi Avani, We’ve updated the list of polio vaccination centers. Please check above under Karnataka.
amit says
Hi, i lost my vaccination slip issued in Delhi and i am flying back now. What would the procedures be like? Would they quarantine me?
The Chalo Team says
Hi Amit, We’re very sorry to hear that you lost your slip! Not quite sure of the procedures in this instance. You can call Lok Nayak Hospital at 011-23232400 or 011-23233400. Other numbers of Delhi Polio Vaccination Centers available here: https://www.chaloafrica.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/delhi-polio-vaccination-centers.pdf
Capt surender singh says
Hi team chalo Africa thanks for very useful information. Well done.
The Chalo Team says
Thank you, Capt Singh!
Viju says
Hi, OPV is recommended 4 weeks before departure to some african countries. My query is what are the documents required to get OPV? my visa and tickets have not come , can i still get OPV done?
The Chalo Team says
Hi Viju. You do not need any documents to receive the vaccination.
Narayan Banerjee says
Hi team,
My situation is similar to Nishesh’s (above). I hold Indian passport but live in Australia. From Australia I plan to visit Kenya (11 days) and then go to India and then return to Australia. I can take the Yellow Fever vaccination but can’t get polio vaccination here. Do I need the polio one for entering India? Thanks.
Mohit Mankar says
Hi Narayan,
I am in a similar situation. Did you find an answer to your question?
The Chalo Team says
Hi guys, Yes, you do require to take OPV. It will only be a matter of chance if the Indian immigration officials do not check whether you have take the vaccination or not.
soujanya says
My aged 15months baby .. so we already vaccinated him with OPV. now i came to know some doctors suggesting IPV. Now i can go for IPV .please sugges me … thanks
soujanya says
My son aged 15 months old.. so we already vaccinated him with OPV. Now icame to know some doctors suggesting IPV too. Now i can go for IPV. Please suggest me. Thanks
The Chalo Team says
Hi Soujanya, your doctor will be your best guide. If you are travelling to polio-endemic countries, your child will need to take OPV as well.
Vaishali says
Hi, we are travelling to South Africa & Zambia in February. I know we’ve to take yellow fever shots but my travel agent insists that polio shots iare a requirement as well though I’ve not found any info supporting this. Is this true ?
The Chalo Team says
No, Vaishali. Polio shots are not required.
Soumya Mitra says
Hi Chalo Team,
Im going to climb Kilimanjaro in February. My scheduled departure is on 31st Jan from Mumbai. I will land in Nairobi and then will be heading to Arusha, Tanzania. And I will come back on Feb 20th. My queries are
1. Do I need a Visa for Kenya and Tanzania both?
2. I am taking OPV and YFV on 19th Jan. Now will emigration allow me to board the flight as OPV does not satisfying the time line?
Please suggest what to do.
The Chalo Team says
Hi Soumya, If you are driving from Nairobi to Arusha, you will need a visa for both countries. However, if you are on a transiting flight, you will not need a visa for Kenya. If you take both OPV and YFV today, you should not have any problems with Indian immigration officials. All the best for your climb. Do tell us how it was!
Ayon Dutta Gupta says
Hello The Chalo Team,
My wife has yellow Fever Vaccination taken in 2008 when we traveled to Africa first. Now , she is suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis and Doctors have said a strict No to OPV. Under such a circumstance will she be able to travel to Kenya and join me as I stay and work in Nairobi. Can she be given a OPV waiver ?
The Chalo Team says
Hi Ayon, You’ll have to consult the Ministry of Health regarding this. They have not issued any announcement regarding OPV waivers due to health reasons so far, so we are unable to guide you. Do update us once you learn more.
prashant says
iam prashant.
recently I had renewed my passport. so now the passport number is changed. but the number mentioned in yellow fever vaccination certificate is of old passport. So is it necessary to change that number with new passport number. and where this change can be done . And if i am travelling to Kenya then is it necessary to take opv and any stamp of opv on yellow fever vaccination certificate. Thanks waiting for reply
The Chalo Team says
Hi Prashant, if you carry both passports it should not be a problem. If travelling to Kenya you need both OPV and YF vaccination. OPV certificate will be different (see sample image above) and not on the YFV certificate.
prashant says
Thank you very much sir.
Russ says
Dear Chalo Team,
Thank for firstly for all this useful travel information!
I have a question regarding delayed OPV:
– I will be going to Kenya on Feb15 and will return to Mumbai on Feb24.
– I have only just managed to get my OPV done today (due to a delay in my passport issuance).
Since I have not yet completed my 4-week tenure prior to travel, will this cause any issues during my onward/return journey? Do you have any information as to how seriously the immigration officers look for dates on the OPV certificate and if quarantine measures are indeed seriously imposed? Will any explanations / compromises be made? Please advise.
The Chalo Team says
Hi Russ, OPV is a relatively recent requirement by the Ministry of Health. Hence, it is new to immigration officials as well. In our experience, most immigration officials will check whether you have received the OPV prior to departure. They are not that stringent regarding the date of vaccination (as of now).
Hemant says
Hello The Chalo Team,
I would like to travel to Nigeria. I had taken yellow fever, OPV & CSM vaccinations in Abuja, Nigeria on 9th April-2014. I am aware that Yellow Fever is valid for 10 years. I would like to know about OPV & CSM validity.
Thanks for your early reply.
Hemant Gohil
The Chalo Team says
Hi Hemant, OPV is valid for 1 year. I’m not sure about CSM though.
Samir Dhond says
Hello! I have read several questions above asking your tam for OPV center in Bangalore. Since I also wanted to take OPV in Bangalore, I was trying to find out the right information. After much efforts, I have found out the right place. Here is that information, should you think it is pertinent to share with the audience.
In Bangalore, for obtaining OPV, the authorized center is
Dasappa Govt Hospital
Room No. 17
SP Road Cross, Near Town Hall, SJ P Road
Bangalore 560002.
Tel: 080-22975684
Timing: 10 am till 4 pm
Days: Monday through Friday
Documents required: Passport
They would issue the certificate in the prescribed format. No fees are charged.
Samir Dhond
The Chalo Team says
Thanks so much, Samir!
Kulkarnis says
Hi Samir,
Thanks a lot for this post. The information was very useful for us. We just got our OPV from Dasappa Hospital, and the process was so simple and easy. It took less than 15 minutes for three of us to get vaccinated. The lady at the center was nice and sincere.
Bela says
Thanks Samir for the post and more so for the address and telephone provided therein.
And yes, the lady at the center was nice and very friendly.
It took us just 10mins to finish the entire thing. No prior appointment required… just walk-in.
Manisha says
Hi there,
I need to travel to Ethiopia , leaving India on the 1st of Feb 15. I have taken the yellow fever injection but not the OPV. Since the timeline of getting OPV dose 4 weeks prior to travel, is not possible would this be a problem?
The Chalo Team says
Hi Manisha, Even though you are required to get OPV 4 weeks prior to departure, at present, if you get it before departure there should not be any problem.
Krishna says
Indians travelling to Kenya for holidays for 1 or 2 months and coming back to India.
Is they require OPV.
The Chalo Team says
anand says
Hello Chalo Team, I got OPV drops and yellow fever 15 days before planned departure to negeria. 15 days after i am going negeria .. But opv required before 1 month … What i do sir .. Can you help me ?
The Chalo Team says
Hi Anand, Even though you are required to get OPV 4 weeks prior to departure, at present, if you get it before departure there should not be any problem.
Akshay valluru says
Hello chalo Africa team , I have booked a trip to Nairobi on 24 th May 2015 , And I got to know about the polio doses today and when they said that a minimum of 21 days , what should I do ? I have booked these tickets like a month ago , and will you please tell me what else I require ( I have taken the yellow fever one )
Sanjay Kumar Agrawal says
The contact Doctor’s name and phone no.at Kolkata Medical College & Hospital Community Medicine Centre is Dr. Soli Bhattacharya , 9231659397 and not as given (Dr. Moloy Mundle). Please make the required change. Thanks.
The Chalo Team says
Thanks, Sanjay. Will update.
mrin says
I took my OPV in August 2014. I am visiting kenya now and will return in October (2015). So the validity of the existing OPV will expire 2 months before that. What should I do? Will an OPV taken in Kenya be valid?
Thanks, Mrin
The Chalo Team says
It would be best if you could take it again in Kenya. It will be valid even if taken in Kenya and a certificate is issued.
Samir Shah says
Hi Friends,
I have to attend an Exhibition in Kenya next month 16th. I am yet to know which hospital and who people are giving OPV in Bangalore. I am new in Bangalore and I found some list as per above but nobody picks up the phone.
Now only 18 days are left, please suggest some authorized hospital in Bangalore.
Is IPV also necessary.
The Chalo Team says
Hi Samir, you can check Dasappa Hospital. Address: S P Road Cross, Near-Town Hall, S J P Road, Silver Jubilee Park Rd, Halsurpete, Nagarathpet, Bangalore, Karnataka 560002
Phone:080 2266 0000 / Need to contact Manjula (ward incharge) / Working Day..Time: 10:00am -4pm (Preferably at 10:30am). Please let us know if it works for you.
gana says
hi thanks for ur great work in this blog ,
Am travelling to Ethiopia ,is there specific hopitals for opv and yellow fever vaccination c in Madurai-Tamil Nadu .
Pritesh says
Hello Chalo team, my sister and I live in New Zealand and coming for a 3 weeks holiday in Kenya and 1 week holiday in India. We will live 2 days in India, head onwards to Kenya for 3 weeks and back to India for 4 days. There is no 1 year valid polio vaccine in NZ but they have the 10 year protected polio vaccine. Please advice what I should do
The Chalo Team says
If you are Indian citizens, you are required to get the polio vaccination. The 10 year protected polio vaccine should suffice. Request you to check with the local Indian high commission to be certain.
Femi says
Hello chalo team, pls my wife and son are traveling back to my country Nigeria and they are not coming back to India, do they need to take OPV beofre traveling because i just gor to know of this information two days ago and they atre billed to travel on Friday 13/06/2015. Though my son, took all polio vaccination (IPV). Pls kindly advise. Thanks
The Chalo Team says
If they are not travelling back to India they do not need to take the vaccination.
Raj says
Hi Chalo Team,
I have travelled form austrlai to kenya and to india on my way back from kenya. We are all autralian resident and australian citizen apart from my wife who is Kenyan ctizen.
We are staying in kenya for 6 weeks and 2 weeks in india on our way back to sydney.
So i was woundering wether if we all need Polio vaccine as read throu other sites and all says that if a foreign national residing in kenya and travels to india does not requie vaccine.
I am also confused wether my wife who is kenyan national residing in Australi for last five years now in kenya for few weeks need POlio Vaccine?
Please update me so that i can as early as i can.
The Chalo Team says
Hi Raj, I’m copying this text from the Indian Ministry of Health website: “Resident nationals of the seven polio infected countries (Afghanistan, Nigeria, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia and Syria) are required to receive a dose of OPV, regardless of age and vaccination, at least four weeks prior to departure to India. An OPV certificate is required for resident nationals of these countries while applying for entry visa to India. It is not mandatory for foreign nationals residing in the seven polio infected countries to receive vaccination with OPV before travel to India.” For those with Australian citizenship, I do not think you will require OPV. However, since your wife is a Kenyan national, there may be some trouble at immigration. If it is clear that she is not a resident Kenyan, she also shouldn’t require an OPV certificate. However, request you clarify with the local Indian High Commission.
Yuvaraj says
Im leaving to Kenya from Chennai on July 1st week 2015. I have following doubts.
Where can I get the Oral Polio vaccination in Chennai?
Will I get the certificate in above centers?
Im travelling in 2 weeks. But the rule is to get vaccinated before 4 weeks? Will this affect my travel?
Who much does it cost?
Thanks a lot in advance.
ganesh says
I took Yellow fever Vaccine in Sasoon Hospital Pune today(Each Monday 9am -12 noon, Contact any window, carry passport and photocopy) and Oral Polio at Kamalawati Hospital, Narayan Peth Pune.. It Hardly took 1-1 hour at both palace. and cost me total Rs 310 for Yellow fever and Polio is free.
Got both certificates same time.
Else, There may be other people cheat you with high cost.
Vikas Dutt says
Hi, I have to join a Kenyan company and would be travel before 10th July to Kenya with 2 years work permit. I have very short of time for YFV and OPV. Is it will be a problem with such kind of VISA. Kindly advice. Thanks in advance. Regards Vikas
I was not aware of oral polio vaccination required to fly for kenya.
I have my flight on the 14th of this month. If i take the polio drops on 6th July, 2015, will I be able to clear the emigration check as they ask to get vaccinated at least 4 weeks before take off?
J R Brahmbhatt says
I also am facing the same problem, my traveling is on 12th july. i was not aware about the vaccination & took it on 5th July. will i be able to clear the emigration.
Karan Thaus says
Hi Abhishek and JR:
I am in the same situation now. Did you have any issues at emigration? I am Indian citizen living in the US; will make a one/two day stop in New Delhi for work and continue onto Ethiopia. Will have to get OPV then because I cannot get it here in the US as it is not available.
Rahul Khanna says
Dear Chalo Team,
I have quick question regarding the Vaccination. Traveling to Kenya on the 17 of September. I got my Polio Vaccination done from a private doctor 4 weeks prior to my departure date. This Doctor Specializes vaccinations for sending Sailors overseas. He claims his certificate is good enough.
Should i get another one from your listed OPVs just to be sure (even if it is inside the 4 weeks) ?
Thank you in Advance
Aarti says
My husband got a call two days back that he has to travel to Kenya for a job interview. We went ahead and took the yellow fever vaccination on Sunday 12th December 2015But we got to know about OPV only today… He needs to travel on Sunday 20th December 2015… Can you help with how we can go about this? He has to be in Kenya on Sunday for an interview on Monday… Even if he takes the OPV drops today, he will be travelling before 4 weeks…
naitik mehta says
I m travelling to south africa
I have a halt forb5hrbin narobi airport.
So opv & yellow fever is needee?
Plz rply
Sahil says
No, its not required for you as you are in Transit
Sharmin Damanai says
Hi I am traveling to Guinea (west Africa) getting an OPV is compulsory for me
Sharmin Damanai says
Hi I am traveling to Guinea (west Africa) getting an OPV compulsory for me ?
Team Chalo Africa says
Hi Sharmin, It is not compulsory for you.
Naveen says
My wife is pregnant. we are leaving to Ethiopia in July. She is in her fifth month of pregnancy. Is it advisable for her to take the OPV.
Vivek M M says
Hello Sir ,
Myself Vivek M.M , Is Planning to travel to Nigeria for a period for 4 to 7 Weeks ( From June 1st or 2nd Week, 2016).
For this reason , I took a Yellow fever vaccination on 19 th May 2016 , And as the polio was stocked out , I couldn’t take polio on same day. And I took Polio (Oral) from a government dispensary by 23rd may 2016.
Please update on the same as fast as possible , Whether there is any issue on this and the consequences , Also the maximum possible remedy considering both health wise and Immigration.
Regards, Vivek
Arun Agarwal says
I am travelling to Kenya on the 07th of June, 2016. I took the OPV vaccine on 13th of May, 2016. I was under the impression that I can take the YF vaccine at least 10 days before departure. But when I went for YF vaccination on 23rd of May, I was told that there should be atleast 30 days gap if I have already taken OPV.
Team Chalo Africa says
Hi Arun, Yes, we’ve heard this before as well from some hospitals. If I recall correctly, the doctors recommend taking either both together or with the 30 day gap between the two. There are, however, hospitals that dispense the vaccinations irrespective.
Sangeeta says
Hi Team Chalo Africa
Please reply urgently to my queries. Me with my family are travelling to kenya tour on 31st. My son who was studying abroad for 1 year returned 2 days before. He had his yellow fever vaccination done there in London. But now regarding OPV I need to know where could I get it urgently in Mumbai as there is very little time left and will it be accepted by immigration if it has been done just 3 days before the tour…Please reply asap
binoy says
I live in Hong kong, but i shall be travelling from HK to india and den to Kenya and back to india den back home to Hong kong. Please let me know do i need to take the OPV ?
just found out that HK travellers only require yellow fever to travel to kenya from HK.. thanks
Team Chalo Africa says
Hi Binoy, if you are Indian citizens and are returning to India from Kenya, yes, it appears you will need to take the OPV. If you are a foreign citizen, the rule would not apply to you. It’s best to clarify with the authorities.
binoy says
thanks for the quick reply…. and how abt a traveller with Indian passport but a HK resident…
do dey need to take OPV also if travelling via india to kenya??
Nidhee Gupta says
I am a British national currently in india on holiday and travelling to Kenya ( Nairobi and Masai mara ) on 20th August – I have already taken my yellow fever vaccine for myself and two kids aged 7 and 2 1/2 on 30th June . As I am travelling from India I wanted to confirm if we need the OPV drops – can these be taken privately and will the immigration accept the certify the from a private doctor or does it have to be done in one of the centres .
Secondly does there need to be a gap of 4 weeks between yellow fever vaccine and OPV ? As mentioned above I took my yellow fever jab on 30th June and if I wait till 30th juky it’s not necessarily 4 weeks – does that create a problem ?
Many thanks for your help.
I am frequently travelling to Nigeria and African countries and hope fully will be travelling for 3 to 4 yrs more. I come on leave every once in 6 months back to India for about 15 to 20 days on leave and return back to Nigeria or some African country.
So is it required to take OPV after completion of every year .
Chalo Africa says
Hi Samule, You need to take the OPV vaccination every year if you are travelling to Kenya, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Somalia, Syria, Afghanistan or Pakistan.
Hussain says
Hello Chalo Team,
I am an Indian citizen travelling from mumbai to nairobi on 4th October and then immediately on the same day after coming out of the airport there is a bus journey to Daresalaam,Tanzania.I had taken Yellow Fever Vaccination 10 days before my journey but i haven’t taken OPV since i did not know OPV is also required. My returned flight scheduled on 18th October from Nairobi to mumbai .Since i havent taken OPV will there any issue with emmigrant officials when i returned to India.please help
tanvi says
Hi, we would still recommend you take the OPV certificate before your departure. The immigration officers could ask for it.
Manisha says
Hello Chalo Team
Please help I am travelling India to Tanzania and I have to halt 15 hrs at addisabba airport .Should I require Polio vaccination.
Please reply me soon
tanvi says
Hi Manisha — I’m not 100% sure. Usually, if you are transiting through for a short period of time it is not required. However, since you have a 15 hour layover, you may be required to get it. I would recommend getting it to be safer.
RK APTE says
Hi Chalo Team,
I have last taken OPV on 20-Nov-2015.
I will soon be travelling to Nigeria 30 Oct 2016.
Is it alright to take OPV before completion of 12 months from date of last OPV vaccination?
Thanks in advance for your assistance.
Jack says
Thank you for your support and useful information.
Although this has been asked before I am hoping to get an answer as well.
My wife is Kenyan but hasn’t been living in Kenya for the last 8-9 years. She has only been visiting for less than 10 days per visit. Last one was in August this year.
We fly to India on December 18th and then to Kenya on 25th.
Does she still need the OPV?
She can show that she has been living outside Kenya for the mentioned period and that she has had polio vaccinations done as a child.
Question two: It is less than 4 weeks to the flight, will this be fine if she gets the OPV next week?
Thank you.
tanvi says
Hi Jack, if your wife is not a “resident” Kenyan national, it should be okay. However, since she has visited recently, the immigration officers may cause some trouble, so it is still recommended that she takes the vaccination. Having the polio vaccination as a child doesn’t really matter as you can still be a carrier.
FFR says
do senior citizen also need to get Oral polio dose pl respond soonest possible
F F R says
want to know if senior citizen also require oral polio dose.
resending as want to travel immediately.
Rajesh Kumar says
My wife is Ethiopian and she is living in India since 2011 and she have OCI card and now she is planning to go Ethiopia so please confirm me does she need Polio Vaccination.
Upasna says
Hi Team
I am travelling to Argentina and Brazil for 2 months departing from India on 20th of April.
Because of the number of people wanting to get Yellow Fever Vaccine I can only get an appointment for 12th of April.
Will I be able to get departure clearance given that it will only be 8 days before departure that I get the vaccine.
Team Chalo Africa says
Hi, Depends on the immigration officer. Since you are returning 2 months after departure, the immigration should not give you trouble (30 days would have lapsed).
Abhishek says
I am traveling to nigeria in a week. I got my opv done about 4 weeks back. But i was not carrying the passport copy then. So i got my vaccination and the personnel said to collect my certificate copy once i have my passport copy. I got the passport but now they refuse to give the certificate. They are giving a certificate for today after a lot of negotiation, which means before a week of travel.
Anyway you guys can guide me on this?
Team Chalo Africa says
Hi Abhishek, Someone I know faced a lot of trouble from the health officers in Bangalore when trying to get their OPV. They were getting the vaccination 28 days (instead of 30 days) prior to departure and the health officers first threatened them and then asked for a bribe to “backdate” the certificate. When this person travelled, the immigration officers did not even check the OPV certificate. I would suggest you take the health officer’s contact details and report them to the Govt of India’s Grievance Department (http://pgportal.gov.in/)
Ravi Arora says
I wish to know if OPV given by private doctors is valid for travel to Nigeria ?
tanvi says
Hi Ravi, It is difficult to say. We recommend government authorised centers who will also issue a certificate for you.
Nasim Akhtar says
Hi, I will be traveling from China to India and then to East Africa and then back to China. I’m an Indian, resident in China. I will take the yellow fever vaccine in India. Can I fly from India to Kenya without a polio vaccination certificate as I’m not going back to India? I read all other posts, however still not sure. Thanks a lot for your time.
tanvi says
Hi Nasim, If you are not returning to India anytime soon, you will not need the polio vaccination.
Pulkit kohli says
Require to know opv Centre in port Blair as planning to go to Kenya in December. Waiting for ur early reply.regards.
tanvi says
Hi Pulkit, I’m afraid we aren’t aware of any OPV centres in Port Blair. Probably best to contact your district health officer and ask them for advice. Thanks.
Rajeev Metta says
Hi ! Thank you for your informative post. I wanted to get a polio vaccination done from Hyderabad but unfortunately the phone numbers given are pretty old as the doctors mentioned on the list have either transferred or retired and government hospitals here haven’t listed their phone numbers online.
Is there any chance you can provide phone numbers of doctors in Hyderabad currently administrating polio vaccination ?
Ashish says
Thanks for the informative post.
I will take yellow fever and OPV certificate on Dec 22, travel from Mumbai. to London in a day, and from London to Nairobi on Jan 02. Will the immigration officer in London ask for it? Will return to India on Jan 26.
mayur says
Hello challo team
These is mayur from goa .traveling to Nairobi kenya for a official trip and i have taken the opv drops 24 days before thats almost 4 days lesser than the required 4 weeks timer .will i face any problem in immigration while travelling to kenya and back to india??
Shiek Fareed says
Thanks for the information… I have a doubt, travelling to East African countries require, in addition to Yellow fever and OPV, Hep A and B, mumps & measles, chicken pox vaccinations done. Where do I get these done from?
Thanks & regards,
Shiek Fareed
tanvi says
These are not required vaccination. You should already be vaccinated against some of these in your childhood; please contact your primary doctor for more information.
tanvi says
Hi Shiek, most countries only require YF and some countries require oral polio (like Kenya, Ethiopia).
Rajeev Metta says
Polio vaccine – Hyderabad. May 2019.
Vaccine not available in the following centre – Ameerpet, Balanagar and Serilingampally.
I got my polio vaccine from Primary Health Centre in Banjara Hills on Monday. Carry your passport and passport xerox. You will be in and out of the place in 5 minutes.
Fatima Ansari says
Dear Team,
We are travelling to Tanzania on 23rd Jun via Kenya Airways (3-4 hours transit time in Nairobi)and coming back on 29th Jun 2019. We have taken Yellow Fever Vaccination today, will we require OPV as well ???
Please reply asap as tomorrow we are going to finalize everything about our trip.
Sai says
Hi Team Chalo Africa,
Appreciate your effort to promote Africa travel.
I have a question on the travel to Africa. Can I travel without return ticket? I am an Indian National and would need to stay in Ethiopia for atleast 2 months. But return dates are not finalised, can you suggest the best way to approach this?
Manu says
Going to Kenya
Departure date 9th November 2019
YFV done on 14th September 2019
OPV not taken till date (8th October 2019). . . What to do as only 30 days left for departure. . .please reply asap. . .
Also i heard that 28 days gap is required (that is till 12th October 2019) between YFV and OPV. . . Please reply
Mansoor D says
I am travelling on Dec 25th to Somalia for a week, and I understand OPV needs to be taken at least 4 weeks prior to the travel. What am I to do now? Can I still take the OPV and get clearance?
anhp says
Hi ,
Thanks for all the useful information here.
I am an Indian citizen living in US. I will be traveling to Kenya via India. Is it ok to get yellow fever and OPV vaccination here in the US ?
Also how many days prior to travel should we get yellow fever vaccine ?
Is there any information about where i can get this vaccine in Bangalore and can i get it done easily ?
Anil kumar banthiya says
I am going to Mombasa cement plant kenya for 3 days visit from 23 March 2020 if any vacination is required
Anil kumar banthiya says
I am going to Mombasa cement plant kenya for tecnical visit for 03 days from 23 March if any vacination is required
Sajan chauhan says
Sir my wife was going to Canada through Ethiopia but she got stuck there & could not manage to go to Canada & now she is coming back to India & she has visa till 27 August 2021 now wht we should do pls help us
afzal says
Hi guys i hope all are Good well
I am planing to go Nigeria for work,
I have some confusion about vaccine ?
What kind of vaccine to be taken
And which types?
And from where i will get these vaccine i india ..?
And Vaccine status should be mentioned in the medical test certificate or it will addional..showing when i will reach in Nigeria?
Chirajit says
Hi All
I am starting my job in Nigeria..and I get leaves every 5.5 months to come back home to India for 15 days.As the OPV is valid for 1 year do Ii need to take OPV again when I come back in the 11th month.And as I get only 15 days leave will the immigration allow me to enter india post again 5.5 months from Nigeria since I will not be able to take 4 weeks before as I am on 15 days leave only.
Sanjeev Kumar Srivastava says
From where we can get OPV vaccine and certificate in Noida ( Gautam Buddha Nagar)